Our Mission Statement


Vicksburg Community School's primary mission is the provision of an excellent college preparatory curriculum designed to meet the needs and challenge of the 21st century.  We believe in the development of student’s spiritual values in accordance with Judeo-Christian principles, a sense of fair play, and the qualities of responsible citizenship. VCS maintains an environment where teachers and students are valued as integral, vital, and necessary components for our community, state, nation, and world.

 atmosphere conducive to the intellectual, cultural, social, spiritual, and physical development of its students.  The school recognizes the needs of our times and accepts the challenge to develop each student's potential to the greatest extent possible.To assist in this effort, superior instruction provides a climate for academic achievement for all students.

VCS is a school where learning and character are nourished; where teachers and students are valued as individuals; where differences are respected and talents are nurtured; where success and honest effort are recognized and failures become instructive; where judgments are tempered with compassion and achievements with humility; where privilege accepts responsibility; where education is not an end in itself, but a means to the individual's fulfillment as a contributing member of the Kingdom of God and the world community.